Home Abandoning Projects and Moving On

Abandoning Projects and Moving On

Hi everyone! Game Off 2022 submissions are over, and I didn’t submit my game, Protagonist vs Antagonist. This blog post is about how I abandoned that project and moved on to a different one.

A couple of months ago, I started developing a 3D FPS game for the Game Off 2022 Game Jam. At first, it was going great, but later on, I flooded myself with overengineered ideas for simple problems and forgot that I needed to make a fun, playable game. I was excited for the project, as it was a genre that I had never tried before, and I thought I could learn from it. However, as time went on, I realized that I was drowning in my own imagination and the one-month deadline wasn’t enough for me. I abandoned the project because I knew that even if I finished it, it wouldn’t be an actual game, but a mass of overengineered game mechanics that could have been implemented in simpler ways. After abandoning the project, I decided to not join any more game jams and do things as I wished and at my own pace.


Shortly after giving up on Protagonist vs Antagonist, I came across a TikTok account and immediately started planning how I could turn it into a game. I quickly rolled up my sleeves to create a rock, paper, and scissors battle simulator with 1000 objects. It didn’t take long for me to create the game for web browsers and I published it on itch.io. This time, not only did I develop a fun game that people might actually enjoy, but I also learned a lot from the project. I used the profiler to implement my own optimizations to the game to achieve 1000 objects in WebGL. I tweaked calculations, instantiating processes, and Unity’s 2D physics. It was an awesome two birds with one stone project. I hate the idea of making a game just to add it to my portfolio. What’s the point of making a full game if players aren’t going to have fun? (Unless the goal is to replicate/improve/implement/demonstrate a game mechanic on a gray box level or something like that.) I wanted to make a complete game that people could actually play and have fun, and I did. I was a little angry at myself for abandoning Protagonist vs Antagonist, but it ended up better.

Now, for my next project, I’m making a 3D clone of the classic Snake game. Remember what I said about making a game just for the sake of it? This project won’t be a blatant clone. I think this is going to be yet another “two birds with one stone” kind of project.

This blog post is edited with the help of ChatGPT.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.